EDC-V allows UDD/Traders to manage the information exchange process with other market players, especially with Distributors, Resellers. All performance are managed (such as Switch, Transfer of Contract, start up, recesses, meter change, system of compensation…) power and gas planned, wherever possible some in atoa and more massively via XBot, several of which in atoa through a very intuitive web interface that shows the stage reached by each activity and which supports the operator with standard templates and reporting systems both on screen and on file. With the Resellers Portal, they will only interact with the EDC-V portal for the management of their own requests, using a single format even if their POD are on several Distribution networks, receiving directly the outcome of the uploaded requests, as well as being able to download the measurements and the Invoicing data for their own POD.
EDC-V can be used in a stand-alone mode or integrated with a CRM system such as EVI, therefore becoming the Front End of communication of the “technical” services while the whole life cycle of the end-customer is managed in the CRM system.