Siamo lieti di invitarla al Seminario MKonline-ifs dedicato al Trading e Vendita dell’Energia che si terrà l’11 Maggio a Milano, presso Una Hotel Cusani – Via Cusani 13.
Il Seminario approfondirà l’evoluzione dei mercati Power in Italia ed Europa nel segno della convergenza, anche a fronte anche delle recenti evoluzioni normative del settore, spiegando le evoluzioni dei modelli di simulazione dei mercati e nuove opportunità di business per gli Operatori.
La partecipazione al Seminario è gratuita previa registrazione inviando un e-mail con nome, azienda e contatto telefonico all’indirizzo:
14:30 – 14:40 | Introduction and welcome, Josie Roser |
14:40 – 14:50 | Overview of the recent developments on MKonline for Italy and a glimpse in to what to expect from us in 2017. Hugo Birkelund, Head of Sales and Development, MKonline |
14:50 – 15:20 | Intraday markets in Europe, the story so far. Is there a lesson to be learned for Italy? Blazej Radomski, Head of Analysis – Germany, MKonline |
15:20 – 15:50 | Using near real-time production data to improve wind power forecasts. Alexandre Lanciani, Product Manager, ifs Italia |
15:50 – 16:20 | Afternoon Break with Refreshments |
16:20 – 16:50 | Spot price formation in Italy and its adjoining markets. How to gain advantageous from multiple forecasts. Hugo Birkelund, Head of Sales and Development, MKonline |
16:50 – 17:20 | Hydrology, modeling the price zones. Lessons on how to use it for short and medium term analysis and trading. Eylert Ellefsen, Head Continental Power Analysis |
17:20 – 17.30 | Coffee break |
17:30 – 18:00 | Recent development and market outlook for Italy, short and medium term view. Eylert Ellefsen, Head Continental Power Analysis |
18:00 – 18:10 | Q&A and Conclusion |
18:10 | Mingling in the hotel bar |